About Me


I've been a lot of things (several of which I still am) - They've all helped define me:

Minnesotan from Mpls., Woods Dweller Up North. First born daugter of Scandinavian origin. Wife and Mom. Big Sis, Grand daughter, COusin, Niece, Favorite Aunt. BFF!  Hippie, Health Nut, Dancer.  Community Service Worker, Counselor, Advocate, Lic EC Parent Educator. Buddhist, 12 Stepper. xc skiier, Snow shoer, Runner, Gardener. Technophobe, Cat Lover, Teen Model Drop Out, Neatnick, FREE SPIRIT, Comedian... I think I'm pretty funny.


The Complete Illustrated Book of Yoga by  Swami Vishnudivananda was my first  intro to Hatha Yoga, overwhelming but intriguing. By age 21 I found a Yoga Teacher who guided breathwork & taught basic poses. I still remember the felt sense of prana that infused my body, I became lighter and more settled. As a kinesthetic learner I loved the shapes I could make with my body so I went on to take yoga classes in college and praticed  over the years in Community Ed., Health Clubs, back yards, dance, & with books, videos, CD's & Public TV. 
As the turn of the century approached yoga was raging in the western world & I walked into studios wherever I went. I  practiced alignment in Bikram classes, pranayama in Kundilini classes.. I spent time in the Tetons exploring Anusara & when a local studio opened at home I immersed myself into Ashtanga practice. At one point I was turned on to the bestseller Quest For The True Self, by Steven Cope and my life became altered. Kripalu Yogas Holistic inquiry Based Approach called me to switch up my roaming practice and then my career!  I went on a quest to Lenox, Mass. to The Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health and became a Certified Instructor. Swami Kripalu's lineage deeply resonated with my heart and the freedom to teach INTUITIVELY from it, weaving in my professional  experiences, insights, and my wild ride of a life! 

I taught full time (see bio), became  a Core Assistant for Kripalu Legacy Instructors, and led Kripalu Immersion classes locally, regionally, and beyond, creating safe space in diverse settings and with diverse groups of people. I continue to teach passionately from my ongoing life story and am at center of my dharma. So Hum.

Yoga in the west is a cross pollination of multiple disciplines and ALL have amazing healing benefits. I live Kripalu Yoga & joyfully share my energy and yogic lifestyle which supports me through soul rocking dark times and guides me to come out on the other side.......... 
DANCING IN THE LIGHT!  "Fully Present, Fully Alive." 

Jai Bhagwan! I bow to you!
Karen Filardo: 218-760-9642 (YOGA)
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